Idaho State Capital

Tue, Apr 8, 2003

Earlier tonight (I guess it is last night now...) I went and took a bunch of photos of the Idaho State Capital building here in Boise. I stitched these together using PTAssembler (by Max Lyons) and PanoTools (originally by Helmut Dersch). I think it came out pretty good for a first try. I think it would have come out better with a real pano tripod head instead of me just winging it.

The full size image is around 11 megapixels. Each of those pixels is pretty sharp though. It has an amazing amount of detail:

Here is a small 100% crop from the center of the frame to give you an idea of scale:

[4/10/2004] I've realized that Capital should be Capitol, but you'd be surprised how many hits I get from the google search engine based on the misspelling.  Oh well, I think I'll leave it wrong.